Month: June 2020

Start More Plants With Cloning Kits

An aeroponics system allows you to grow plants without the expense of needing a growing medium. Plants are grown in the air using this very efficient growing system. Pumps are used to create a misting spray of nutrient solution that dampens the plant roots; this feeds the plants and, combined with the large amount of oxygen the roots are exposed to, causes the plants to reach maturity very quickly. An aeroponic cloning system uses the same apparatus as an aeroponics system, with one exception. Cuttings are suspended in the air in an aeroponic cloning system, and instead of a nutrient mist, a rooting hormone is sprayed over the cut end of the plant material. Using an aeroponic cloning system results in those cuttings emitting roots in only five to ten days. After roots are formed, the plants can be grown on in an aeroponics system, hydroponics system or other gardening system that uses soil as a growing medium. Plant cloning kits such as these aeroponic models utilize several pieces of equipment.

The pump where the mist originates is a very important component, as is the cloning tray that holds the cuttings at the proper height in the air. A clear plastic or glass covering over the plants helps to create a humid environment that is conducive to root formation in these cloning kits. Air pumps and diffusers are important for keeping the entire system properly oxygenated. You will also need rooting hormone for use in plant cloning kits. This is sold in liquid or powder form, and is typically diluted in a certain amount of water. The hormone can also be used in a powder form, but it is more difficult to get even coverage of the cutting with a powder than it is with a liquid, and thus another advantage of using cloning kits that take advantage of aeroponic misting. All sorts of plants can be replicated in cloning kits, including hardwoods and succulents, so that you can produce the popular plants that your customers want every spring.
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